Individual and institutional members of the Association may enrol as members of PACLIG without payment of membership fees other than that charged by the Association.
Interested individuals who wish to participate only in PACLIG may do so provided that they pay the fee as determined by the Representative Council of the Association from time to time.
A member may resign from PACLIG at any time by submitting notice in writing of the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
The membership fees levied as determined by the Representative Council, from time to time, will be deposited to the Association’s national account.
The Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of PACLIG in the years in which elections are held for the Representative Council of the Association.
The Executive Committee will administer the affairs of PACLIG in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of PACLIG and of the Association.
Executive Committee Meetings
The Committee shall meet whenever necessary, but at least once annually at such time and place to be determined by the Chairperson.
A quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be at least seven (7) Executive Committee Members.
If a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes of the advertised time of an Executive Committee Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for thirty (30) minutes, and thereafter, those members present at such an adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum, irrespective of their number, may transact business of the meeting.
Tele-conference meetings in which a quorum of Committee Members participate shall be deemed to be legally constituted meetings of the Committee.
The office of a member of the Committee shall be vacated
within thirty (30) days of written notice of resignation being delivered to the Chairperson of PACLIG.
within thirty (30) days if, at a meeting of the Executive Committee, a resolution is passed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Committee present that, in terms of Article X of the Association’s Constitution, the office bearer is disqualified from holding office, provided that he/she has been afforded an opportunity to state his/her case to the Executive Committee.
Such Executive Committee member who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Executive Committee shall, in terms of Article 10.7.1 of the Association’s Constitution, have a right of appeal.
immediately, on the death of an office bearer.
Should the Chairperson vacate the position during his/her term the
Vice-Chairperson shall act as Chairperson for the remainder of the term.
Should the Vice-Chairperson be unavailable, the existing Executive Committee shall elect an Acting Chairperson from among their members.
Should the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer vacate the position during his/her term of office the vacancy shall be filled by co-opting a member of PACLIG, who is a member, in good standing, of the Association.
If a representative of a Regional Group vacates his/her position on the Executive Committee for whatever reason, the Regional Group of which he/she was the representative shall either nominate or elect a new representative.
In a case where the whole Executive Committee becomes dysfunctional, the Representative Council / Executive Committee of the Association shall appoint an Interim Committee.
2.7 Duties of Office Bearers
2.7.1 The Chairperson shall:
Chair all PACLIG meetings.
Chair all PACLIG Executive Committee meetings.
Be an ex officio representative on the Association’s Representative Council.
Submit an annual report to PACLIG’s Annual General Meeting.
Submit reports to the Representative Council of the Association, as and when necessary.
Exercise such powers and duties as are applicable to the office of a chairperson as well as such other powers and duties as might be assigned to him/her from time to time.
The Deputy-Chairperson shall:
Deputize in the absence of the Chairperson.
Liaise between the Executive Committee and the Convenors of the Regional Groups
Undertake such tasks as are delegated to him/her by PACLIG’s Executive Committee.
The Secretary shall:
Keep minutes of all Executive Committee and all PACLIG meetings.
Notify members of meetings.
Be responsible for the administrative work of elections.
Prepare and submit an annual report to the Secretary of the Association, which report shall include an audited financial statement, as required by the Rules of the Association.
Undertake such tasks as are delegated to him/her by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer shall:
Be responsible for all financial matters of PACLIG.
Keep proper records of all financial transactions of PACLIG.
Prepare, and have audited, an annual financial statement.
Make this audited report available to the Secretary of PACLIG for inclusion in the annual report to the Secretary of the Association.
Present this audited financial statement to the Annual General meeting of PACLIG.
Undertake such tasks as are delegated to him/her by the Executive Committee.
The Public Relations Officer shall:
Be responsible for marketing and Publicity for PACLIG.
Be responsible for a PACLIG Newsletter.
Be responsible for a PACLIG Website.
Facilitate advocacy as determined by the Executive Council.
Liaise between PACLIG and the editor of LIASA-IN-TOUCH
Liaise and co-operate with other groups and organizations in the advancement of the aims and objectives of PACLIG.
Undertake such tasks as are delegated to him/her by the Executive Committee
The Convenor of a Regional Group shall:
Convene at least two (2) meetings of the Regional Group per annum.
Chair the meetings of the Regional Group.
Report, in writing to the Executive Committee at least once per annum .
Represent PACLIG at Branch level.
Undertake such tasks as are delegated to him/her by the Executive Committee.
3.1The election of the Committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting in the years in which elections are held for the Representative Council of the Association.
Nominations for projected vacancies on the Committee shall be called for as follow:
All Members of PACLIG, in good standing, who are also members of the
Association, shall be eligible for any office of PACLIG.
In an election year nomination forms plus a list of all PACLIG members who are members of the Association in good standing, shall be sent, by the Secretary to all PACLIG members, in good standing at least three (3) months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
In an election year nomination forms, signed by at least two paid up members as well as by the nominee, who thereby accepts nomination, are to be returned to the Secretary at least two (2) months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
The Secretary shall establish whether the nominees are members of PACLIG, and the Association, in good standing. At least one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting he/she shall send to all PACLIG members, in good standing, a copy of the ballot, accompanied by brief biographical sketches of all nominees for all Offices of the Committee, as well as a proxy nomination form.
Voting Procedure
Voting shall take place, at the AGM, by a show of hands.
All members of PACLIG, in good standing, have one vote for each officer of the Executive Committee.
If an individual member is unable to attend the Annual General meeting he/she may mandate another member by way of a written proxy, to vote on his/her behalf.
During the voting nominees will be required to leave the room in which the AGM is being held.
For each office the candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected to that particular office.
In the event of a tie of votes the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
The Committee shall report the results of the elections to the membership at the AGM.
The operational year of PACLIG shall be from the first day of January until the last day of December that same year.
The funds of PACLIG will consist of money allocated to PACLIG from the Association’s national funds by the Representative Council and money raised by PACLIG itself.
PACLIG shall open an account at a registered banking institution as decided by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall designate four (4) signatories who are empowered to withdraw funds from the account. The signatures of any two (2) of these designated signatories shall be sufficient to validate a withdrawal.
PACLIG’s account shall be audited annually by an independent auditor.
The financial statements shall annually be submitted.
as part of the annual report to the Secretary of the Association by a date to determined annually by the Secretary of the Association.
Statements of all financial transactions shall be submitted annually to the AGM PACLIG.
Each year PACLIG’s Annual General Meeting will take place during the course of the Association’s National Conference.
The place and time to be determined by the National Organizing Committee of the relative conference on advice from the Executive Committee of PACLIG.
A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be those paid-up members present, but shall not be less than twenty-five (25) members.
In addition to the Annual General meeting at least one (1) PACLIG Session shall be held at the Association’s annual National Conference.
Voting at all meeting of PACLIG shall be by show of hands unless a vote by ballot is demanded by the majority of the members present.
Each member, in good standing, shall be entitled to one vote.
The order of all meetings of PACLIG shall be in accordance with general acceptable practices for meetings.
Upon application of interested members in good standing, to and with the approval of, the Executive Committee Regional Groups may be formed.
Membership in PACLIG shall automatically include membership in a Regional Group.
Regional Groups shall hold at least two meetings a year for its member, one of which must be an annual general meeting.
Regional Groups shall annually report in writing on their activities to the Executive Committee – not less than one month before the Annual Conference of the Association.
The Executive Committee shall have the authority to dissolve Regional Groups of PACLIG.
PACLIG Financial Policies and Practices
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
In order to prepare LIASA PACLIG for future growth opportunities and to be fully accountable to its members it is important for PACLIG to have an annual audit of their financial records. To help prepare PACLIG for the audit, and build consistency and accountability into the financial record keeping at a national level, the document titled, PACLIG Financial Policies and Practices, is adopted, dated …………..
II. Financial Policies
A. Record Keeping
Accurate and Up-to-Date Records Must Be Maintained
Every Area Committee (where they exist), Convener and National Executive Committee members must maintain complete and accurate financial records. The standards for this record keeping are defined within this document. That is, every organizational entity is required to implement the financial practices as defined by this document.
B. PACLIG National Treasurer
The National Treasurer is responsible for the accounting and reporting of funds at a
national level. The Treasurer and two additional members (As identified by the NEC) of PACLIG will have signature authority (subjected to the method embraced by PACLIG) over the funds, and he/she will physically handle the funds.
(i.e. make deposits, sign checks, etc).
C. Objectives
To have sound financial control regarding the PACLIG funds.
D. Submit Financial Reports in a Timely Manner
The National Treasurer will obtain three monthly bank statements and will submit
report to the PACLIG NEC.
An annual Balance Sheet for the period of 1 January until 31 December WILL BE SUBMITTED during the Annual General Meeting.
E. Financial Reporting Tools
The National Treasurer will AVAIL yearly annual audited reports, audited by a registered Accountant, from January to December and will give feedback at the LIASA Conference. The audited report will be open for inspection and discussion by PACLIG members.
F. Bank Accounts
A National Savings Bank account at ABSA is maintained and 2 signatures are needed for transactions.
G. Allowable Methods of Incurring of Expenses
Branches will have to give reports and full financial receipts regarding the amount of money received.
H. Reimbursable Expenses
PACLIG funds will be used for:
1) Workshops,
2) PACLIG speakers traveling cost at AA tariffs
3) Postage money for promotional material
4) Honorarium to the PACLIG auditor as determined by PACLIG Committee.
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Funds will not be allocated for catering purposes.
K. Annual Budget
Funds to the branches will be allocated subjected to availability and Business Plans, which will be approved by EXCO.